Friday, February 26, 2010


This has been some week! A sinful sinful week. It has been an extreme dose of sheer gluttony. Steamboat is always a hot favourite (no pun intended) this time of the year . The weather is so extremely hot though, which kinda kills the mood for steamboat. If only it was rainy and all dreary, everyone sitting around a hot pot would seem like such a better idea, then people sweating it out in an impromptu sauna session.


I've always wondered how my life would be like if i was 2 sizes down. Would i be different? Would things be better? Would things be worse? Would my life be different? Would my career be different? Would i have had more opportunities? Would i be bolder in pursuing what i really love, what i really have passion in? These thought never fail to stray far from my mind. Since the age of 12.


With so many things going on, its so easy to forget everything. People are always saying, " That's what an organiser is for. Thats why you need to jot things down." Yeah but what if you forget to jot things down? With the different channels of receiving and sending information nowadays its a wonder that people can actually remember everything. You can send out an instant message, get a reply through a phone call, send out a reminder through short message service and get a notification  via email and the electronic list goes on and on. Most of the time because you receive so much information from everywhere it is so difficult to recall where you received it, through which channel and by whom. If only everything had the search function that comes with your email. I just hope that with all these events slowly building up i don't forget anything important!


I never needed you for judgment
I never needed you to question what i spent
I never ask for help, I take care of myself, I don't know why you think you got a hold on me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I really wish i had more to do. I mean i am not complaining but it just seems like such a waste of time just sitting there, watching the hours fly by. It so unproductive that it’s really quite sinful. It shouldn't be this easy, it feels more like a holiday job than anything else. I rather be up to my head full of work than not having anything much to do. It may be tiring and i may start complaining but it beats not having much to do.

The best thing about going to work late is having the energy for after work activities and not having to worry about staying out too late. The day passes a lot faster this way and this lifestyle might change sooner or later but at the moment i am rather contented with the way my social calendar is going.

I hate how people are constantly moving all over this globe. There will always be someone jetting off or someone coming back its getting so difficult to track. And it’s really saddening but then again then i guess people would be more appreciative of things around them. I just dislike how I’m always here. I want to be jetting off all over the place too. ):

I miss this whole blogging experience. The daily reflections. Since I’m so free i would actually start blogging daily again, or try to. It’s therapeutical. It makes me feel like i can tick one thing off the check list and feel a slight sense that the day was not all wasted and that i actually accomplished something.

I'm really sad over the whole situation now. What started off as something so ambitious that lead to such great results, that proved the diligence and tenacity of so many is slowly crumbling to bits, and all it took were a few idiots. Do they not have any respect for the effort that was slogged out to build it up to what it is today? The amount of sweat, tears, sleepless nights that have gone into everything? Are they so ignorant of that fact? Or just plain stupid? Even if they fail to sense or see all that, where is their sense of responsibility? Their sense of pride in what they do? It just makes me so mad thinking about it. Very mad, but more sad than anything else. Saddened how very selfish some people have become. It’s really simple, if you agree to do something then do it to the best of your ability. That all anyone is asking, and that’s all you should ask of yourself. No one is asking you to create a legacy. You may want to do something different but did you think of the repercussions? Do you think it’s just a one off thing? Have you even cleared your head from the clouds and thought about whatever is happening?


And even as I wander
I’m keeping you in sight
You’re a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winters night
And I’m getting closer than I ever thought I might

Sunday, February 07, 2010


As i am waiting for SHUN to finish syncing i've decided to blog. Since i haven't done so for the longest time too. Anyway since school started everything has been rather crazy. The best thing of the whole work thing? Is the luxury of waking up at 9 plus 10. That part totally rocks. Also the ability ( at this point of time) to actually have a social life.


Its so weird that Marcus is in army. To me he's always my little brother, who well, is just this young boy. Not THAT young, but like younger than me kinda young. The fact that he is now is army is just such a foreign thing. Like him being in some ulu jungle and like sweating like a pig out in the blistering sweltering sun and doing overnight marches or what ever thing they do in army. Its just, plain well, weird. And its strange too how he won't be home for long periods of time. 


I think its nice to just go over and talk. Even though we're not doing anything special in particular, other than watching either MS or JM or occasionally AC its just really nice and comfortable. I'm will miss her when she is gone. Someone who would actually indulge me in my shoe rants, cause the sister just is a total bf about shoes. 





When I get to Warwick Avenue
Meet me by the entrance of the tube
We can talk things over a little time
Promise me you won't stand by the light